Thursday, 7 February 2008

Shot List

- Opens with the view of a girls hand tied to a chair arm.
Close up of the girls hand
Approximately 2 seconds

- Close up of a girls foot tied to a chair leg.
Approximately 2 seconds

- View of the side of a girls eye looking round. Taking up half of the screen.
The other half of the screen is what is behind the girl. Dolls hanging from nooses.
Focus moves from the girl (close up) to adjusting to a long shot looking at what is behind her
Slow transformation from close to far.
Approximately 5 seconds

- A bowl of alphabet soup is scattered over a table in the room.
A close up shot of the soup with the letters arranged to spell 'Murder'
Approximately 5 seconds

- A close up of a decapitated dolls face.
Approximately 2 seconds

- Dolls are hanging from the nooses again.
The camera pans along the line of hanging dolls until it comes to a free noose.
Stops on the empty noose
Wide shot, might not need to use tripod.
Approximately 5 seconds

- The camera then pans down until the girl is seen looking up at the free noose.
Camera stops on the girls forehead, with her eyes looking upwards
Portrait view, wide shot, use tripod.
Approximately 4 seconds

-A close up of the girls eyes. She blinks, opens her eyes then closes here eyes.
Close up view
Approximately 4 seconds

Links into the flashback through bright setting of soft brush

Stalking scenes will have a light non-diegetic soundtrack with them, then we will also leave in the diegetic sound to create more of a realistic environment.

- Two girls walk into 'Evolution'.
Camera: (long shot) half the view is hidden behind a tree (gives idea of someone watching).
Approximately 3 seconds

- Newspaper view. Girls walking by as the newspaper covers the bottom half of the screen.
Newspaper moves with the girls.
Long shot, wide shot, moving with the girls, don't use tripod.
Gives idea of someone hiding and watching them.
Approximately 5/6 seconds

- The two girls are walking away down a street into the distance.
Use tripod, long shot, wide shot.
Gives the sense that they are going home as are walking away from the busy street.
Approximately 5 seconds

- View from the bridge.
Shot from above watching the girls exit from under the bridge.
Don't use tripod.
Birdseye view, wide shot, moving to keep the focus on the two girls.
Approximately 6/7 seconds

- Close up of the two girls faces smiling and talking as they walk along by the river.
Portrait view, not essential to use tripod.
Approximately 3/4 seconds

- Pictures of girls printing or coming out of camera

Flashback ends and return to the room with the girl. Girls eyes open.

-The camera pans out from the girls eyes to show her tied to the chair and gagged
Use tripod
Approximately 5/6 seconds

-Shows another table with a doll on top. It has been stabbed with a knife and is pretty torn apart. Wide screen.
Approximately 3/4 seconds

-Focus is drawn to the door. A shadow can be seen as the door opens of a figure opening the door.
Approximately 6/7 seconds



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